Wednesday, October 1, 2008

PILOT Group Show @ 801 Lofts Art Gallery

PILOT does one exhibition a year together. This year it is at the beautiful 801 Lofts Gallery. I'll be showing two pieces that I've never shown, which were made about 17 years ago! as well as a few pieces from my "Reclaimed Memories" series ( Here is all the vital information:

You are invited to: Art at 801 Gallery
Opening Reception on Saturday Oct. 11, 6-9pm

Featuring the Pilot Arts Group:
"They are artists who are able to combine their unique gifts and ambitions
into a collective enterprise which will work towards bringing a national eye
to a Midwestern sensibility in creating art with substance and integrity."

John Alspach
Yuri Arajs
Tara Costello
Jennifer Davis
John Diebel
Terrance Payne
Amy Rice
Michael Sweere
James Wrayge

The music is Beatrix Jar:
"A unique sonic collage layering circuit bent machines, soulful beats, lost
+ found sounds and eccentric lyrics... culminating in a playful, fuzzy sonic

The exhibition will be showing until February 2009.

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